Tzanis Cave or Katavothra Cave or Chonos Cave

Tzanis Cave or Katavothra Cave or Chonos Cave

Tzanis Cave or Katavothra or Chonos, is located in Omalos Plateau in Chania. It reaches a length of 2500m and a depth of 280m. The cave has raised the interest of foreign tourists since 1865. Tzanis is accessible, but is not organized for tourists.

Cave Tzanis has taken its name from the legendary chieftain of Lakki, Markos Tzanis or Fovos (meaning Fear). He was distinguished for his battles against the Venetians in the late 17th century and later against the Turks. After the conquest of Crete by the Turks, he fled to the island of Souda. From there, he attacked against Turks and killed many of the most brutal ones. He inspired fear to the Turks, who named him Fovos (which means Fear in Greek).